Taproot Charities is a registered 501(c)(3) organization, and is classified by the US Internal Revenue Service as a tax exempt non-profit public charity. As such, all contributions to Taproot Charities are fully tax-deductible by law.

Taproot Charities is a 100% volunteer-run organization, operated by a group of dedicated individuals, board members, and committee members who share a common passion to make a difference in the lives of teenage girls in rural Africa. Our team considers it a privilege to dedicate our own personal time and resources toward furthering this vital work in Africa. We also consider it a great privilege to reassure our donors and sponsors that 100% of their contributions are used to directly and personally support their sponsored student.

Accountability and sound stewardship of all contributions is a top priority at Taproot Charities. We are in ongoing communication with local committees in the areas we serve in Africa who carefully screen and review all scholarship applications and awards, as well as provide yearly reviews of student involvement and performance, to ensure all scholarships are being used wisely, efficiently, and as intended.  Taproot Charities is committed to accountability, transparency, and integrity in all we do.

Please contact us if you have any questions about Taproot Charities’s financial statements, budget, or accountability.